Mother Earth Asks Dr. Stonework

Having landscaping done can be a geophysical boost to Earth’s well being in the long run but it’s not without short-term costs. Before the shovel goes in, here are some FAQs for a planet considering a surgical procedure.

Q: Will this improve the quality of my biosphere, or just slow its inevitable slide into entropy?
A: Tidying and tightening disorganized and slack landscape can rejuvenate tired and sluggish soil circulation. Tilth and loft is restored. Room for young root growth and the introduction of fresh flora is made possible. On the structural side of a surgical intervention is the support and strength gained by building bulwarks against the erosion caused by wind, rain and frost. One, sturdy stitch of dry laid stone across an open field provides a refuge and conduit for all manner of ground and air dwellers. A mix of growth and decay, on and under its surface, can give Earth a fresh, healthy glow.

Q: If I have stonework done, how long will I be opened up? Will it be painful?
A: Most interventions are not much more than a deep scarification of the soil. If scraping down to bedrock is necessary, there may be a sensation felt down to the bone. Pain should be confined to the area of the wound and will pass quickly as a foundation of carefully placed stones begins to fill the gap. The procedure can take from one day to a month depending on what’s been determined to be the best course of action in any particular case

Q: Is there a recovery period?
A: Even the most simple procedure can cause trauma to Earth. Breaking open the soil disrupts a complex ecosystem; severing connections that have taken years to establish. Those intricate life webs will likely repair themselves but it won’t happen overnight. Be prepared to feel a bit out of sorts for a while.

Q: Is construction something I now have to think about having done again in my lifetime or is this a one-time thing?
A: A well executed stonework operation should last into the next century. The life expectancy of a planet in our solar system is another 1.75 billion years, so, you may face similar choices in the future.  But there’s no need to think about that for a while, enjoy the interstellar life that’s yours today